Staff Groups

The Shared Services Business Center coordinates regular meetings for staff in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) who perform critical business functions. For questions or to request to join one of the groups below, please contact

Staff Groups by Cohort

CLAS Staff

This group brings together support staff from across all CLAS areas. Shared Services staff lead bi-monthly meetings, where they provide updates on matters related to administration, business, fiscal matters, grants, research, IT, or facilities in the College.

CLAS Finance and Admin Processing Group

This group targets the financial members, new hires, and additional staff members across the College, allowing them to network and make connections with their peers. Topics for this group range in nature as the duties of the group members can vary.

Mid-Level Administrators Group

This group includes experienced CLAS administrators that are either in a medium size department or have been employed with the College for more than two years. Topics range from general overviews, process improvements, purchasing, travel, staffing plan processes, annual meetings, and many more.

Senior Staff

This group brings together staff across the College who manage large and complex units with multiple staff members, including management, laboratory, building, fiscal, and research enterprises.

Staff Groups by Topic

Concur Focus Group

This focus group consists of administrative staff across CLAS who are active in using the Concur system for travel and company billed statements. Sessions include networking with peers across the College on sharing experiences to get results and information.

Graduate Payroll Focus Group

This group includes specific administrative staff members who focus on coordinating graduate programs throughout the College, with topics that range from graduate admission to teaching assistant (TA) payroll and course assignments.

Mentorship Across CLAS

This new initiative builds connections between experienced staff and new hires across the College on all levels of skills and topics. To become a mentee or a mentor for a CLAS colleague, please contact

Featured Events

CLAS Conference for Administrative Excellence

On Wednesday, June 5, the College will bring together CLAS staff for a day of collaboration, professional development, and networking.

CLAS Staff Communicators Group

Coordinated by the CLAS Office of Communications, this group includes CLAS staff who perform some sort of communications role in their unit. Duties may include writing; graphic design; managing websites or social media accounts; overseeing recruitment and outreach efforts; and/or supervising student workers. The group meets periodically to discuss relevant updates from the University, the UConn Brand guidelines, and tips for communicating with internal and external audiences. For questions or if you would like to join this group, please email